Sunday, 9 December 2012

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

Hello! So you've had an hour... you've had an hour drinking, starting fights. But we were told - Catholic priests, prostitutes, smurfs, a gay housemate with the same name, floor buffer, and a bit of Shaggy somewhere in there, and it's kind of in a Pogue style - you're familiar with the Pogue's body of work? So what we've written is, basically, a love story that takes place in Smurfland. Yeah, baby! Let's do it! It's a happy old life, being a Smurf We don't have a worry or care on the Earth We love all the sights and the sounds and the smells Except for that dirty old Gargamel Now the only imbalance I see in Smurf-Land Is there's only one female from west to the east Lady Smurf Everyone's had her, except Papa Smurf Cause he's training to be a Catholic Priest But Lady Smurf has decided to charge She's so in demand that she's charging a fee She's so busy fuckin', there's no time for me Now I buff the floors of Smurf-Land, you see And they never made a figurine out of me I'm just Floor Buffer Smurf, I'm no-one in her eyes So she's been hanging out with the popular guys.

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

Floor Buffer

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